ADAH Association for the Development of Anse a Veau Haiti

ADAH is a faith-based nonprofit focused on transforming lives through the gospel and offering humanitarian aid.

Our History

ADAH originated from Mimose Valcin's heartfelt mission to bring the gospel to Anse-a-Veau, Haiti, more than two decades ago. Recognizing the community's profound poverty, she identified the critical need for spiritual guidance and humanitarian assistance. Established in February 2021, as ACDAV, ADAH has experienced remarkable growth through divine intervention, prayers, and generous support, evolving from a basic church and one-room school with wooden poles to three brick school buildings. Years later, Mimose extended her efforts by establishing an orphanage to provide essential necessities and education to underprivileged children.

First church meeting place

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First schoolhouse

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Our Vision

Our vision at ADAH is to create a thriving and empowered community in Anse-a-Veau, Haiti, where every individual has access to education, healthcare, clean water, and a supportive environment. We envision a future where poverty is overcome, opportunities are abundant, and the spiritual and physical needs of the people are met with compassion and dignity.

Our Mission

ADAH provides holistic humanitarian aid in Anse-a-Veau, Haiti. Our mission addresses spiritual, educational, and social needs through our church, schools, orphanage, and outreach programs. We uplift lives with affordable education, safe environments, healthcare, clean water, and job opportunities. With volunteers and donors, we aim to make a lasting impact and bring positive change to Anse-a-Veau.

Latest event video

On May 28, 2023, three ADAH students won the Marie Ange Porcena Scholarship for exceptional academics and Christian character. Watch the video below to hear the school director read the scholarship certificate.

Summer 2023: emergency repair of preschool building

We urgently need to raise $20,000 to repair the preschool building that suffered structural damages during the August 2021 earthquake. Earlier this year, the top floor of the building started shaking, rendering it unsafe and at risk of collapse.

Preschool building

The Message of the Gospel is the Heartbeat of ADAH

Over the years, with the support of numerous individuals, both through prayers and financial contributions, ADAH has made a significant impact on the lives of the people in Anse-a-Veau. Through the church that meets in a school building, we address the community's spiritual needs, offering solace and guidance to those seeking spiritual fulfillment.

Education: Preschool through Post-High School

ADAH understands the importance of education in breaking the cycle of poverty. Therefore, we have established schools that cater to the academic needs of the community. From preschool to post-high school, we provide affordable and quality education to nearly 700 students, empowering them with knowledge and opportunities for a brighter future.


ADAH runs an orphanage, where we provide a safe and nurturing environment for children who have been left without parents or relatives who can afford to care for them. We believe that every child deserves love, care, and a chance to thrive, and our dedicated staff ensures that these children receive the support they need to grow and succeed.

Barrels and Boxes of Food/Clothes/Shoes

ADAH's distribution of donated items to Anse-a-Veau showcases the limitless kindness of people. It demonstrates the power of empathy and the transformative impact of helping those in need.


Clairmita Théobrun, who grew up in ADAH's orphanage, graduated from nursing school in March 2023.

With cheerful gratitude, she expresses her appreciation, stating,

"ADAH's compassionate aid to the needy has been a constant source of support throughout my life. From my early years to the present, it has diligently nurtured my academic journey and ensured my essential needs—food, clothing, shelter, and medical care—are met."

Alource Normile, orphaned at 14, overcame immense obstacles to become a successful teacher. He expresses profound gratitude:

“ADAH supported my education, provided sustenance, contributed to my wedding and surgery expenses, and offered me employment. Words can't express my immense appreciation for this remarkable organization.”

Special thanks to Carina Louis for generously funding Alource's university education in support of ADAH.

Future Projects

Build a Church

A majestic church promoting hope, unity, and faith—a sanctuary of solace, support, and spiritual nourishment, fostering community togetherness.

Photo of a Blue Church

Create Jobs

Empowering underserved communities through economic initiatives: job creation, skill development, vocational training, and entrepreneurship support.

drinking water
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Access to Safe Water

Our priority is safe water access, ensuring sustainable water systems in Anse-a-Veau for improved health and well-being.

Photo of African Doctor

Quality Healthcare

Our agenda prioritizes universal healthcare, regardless of socio-economic backgrounds. We strive to establish modern medical facilities with skilled professionals, emphasizing preventive care, timely interventions, and health education for a thriving community.

Black elderly people sitting on chairs in yard of hospital in poor African village

Home for the Elderly

Creating a dedicated home for our elderly, emphasizing comfort, safety, and companionship. Enhancing their well-being and happiness through social and recreational opportunities.

You Can Make a Difference

To achieve our goals, ADAH relies on the support of volunteers and financial contributions from compassionate individuals and organizations. We invite you to join us in making a difference in Anse-a-Veau by dedicating your time, skills, or resources. Together, we can bring hope, opportunity, and transformation to the lives of those in need.

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Silhouettes Of Climbers Helping Each Other
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Contact Us

Thank you for visiting ADAH's website, and we appreciate your support in our mission to create a brighter future for Anse-a-Veau, Haiti.

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Pelicier, 2eme Section Baquet, Arnaud, Département Nippes, Haiti (W.I.)


509-3351-5558 / 646-547-6554



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2023 ADAH

Association for the Development of Anse-a-Veau Haiti

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